CMS has managed area based projects and programmes which have involved providing integrated support to co-operatives and social enterprises. This requires the ability to mobilise resources: marketing the service to target clients, providing individualised/tailored support (legal/marketing/finance), keeping appropriate records for the customer and reporting on progress.
CMS has successfully managed wide and small area based projects:
The Co-operative Enterprise Hub (North West and Northern Ireland)
CMS led the consortium which managed the C-Change programme on behalf of United Co-operatives and latterly The Co-operative Group. The programme operated in the former United trading area from 2007. Starting the programme from scratch CMS helped to develop the philosophy, approach, systems and procedures which made the programme a success. We have managed the Co-operative Enterprise Hub consortium in the North West of England since 2009 and In December 2011 took over the management of the Hub consortium in Northern Ireland.
National Offender Management Services (National)
CMS currently manages a national programme to develop co-operative and social enterprises in the Criminal Justice System under contract from the National Offenders Management Service (NOMS). CMS delivers this contract in partnership with EX-Cell Solutions. It has involved supporting prison and probation services with developing through the prison gate co-operatives and social enterprises and those seeking to secure their future through mutualisation.
Flexible Demand Led Service
CMS has experience of delivering short discreet pieces of work either for a commissioner or for a client. We have current contracts with Co-operative Development Scotland, Wales Co-operative Centre and several Co-operative Enterprise Hub regions. This often involves undertaking a diagnostic, recommending a work plan (support) and then carrying out the delivery. CMS also works for clients who commission us directly.
The work may involve:
- Designing a legal and governance structure
- Converting to another legal entity or creating new legal vehicles
- Advising on a community share issue
- Preparing a business plan
- Preparing financial projections and raising finance
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